Medical Spa

Staying here, you can consult with doctors, enjoy the care of experienced staff, and visit the saunas and pools of the Spa Centre TERMID. Modern spa medicine has lots of new possibilities to offer, with treatment packages including medical consultation, preparation of a treatment card, and the provision of relevant procedures. Our selection includes various types of massages, movement therapy, water, heat, salt and light therapy, and physiotherapy. In addition, various blood analyses can be performed.

What is a medical spa?

A medical spa is an institution authorised by the Health Board to provide outpatient rehabilitation. A doctor assesses the patient’s state of health and functional coping and determines a treatment regimen. Diagnostic tests are also carried out.

A modern treatment spa combines the use of natural remedies with modern technology, and historical experience with evidence-based medicine. A characteristic feature of a medical spa is the therapeutic use of local natural therapeutic methods and water. A characteristic feature of Estonian medical spas is the comprehensive use of curortological therapies.

Prevention treatment is a treatment and counselling service for persons with a high risk of a disease, aimed to reduce the risk of the disease. Lifestyle counselling and management of emotional stress are of great importance in prevention treatment.

In the treatment concept of medical spas, movement and exercise play a crucial role. Physical activity improves or maintains health at the biochemical-hormonal and organ system (cardiovascular, respiratory, skeletal) functioning level and at the psychoemotional level. On the one hand, the goal is to speed up recovery from disease conditions or to preserve what has been achieved, and on the other hand, to actively involve the patient in the treatment process. Just as regular exercise is important, it is also important to remember that the biggest role in our healing is played by ourselves.

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