Authentic Thai Massage in Pärnu

Thai medicine embodies a folk medicine tradition, where valuable knowledge is passed on from generation to generation. One can experience true Thai massage only when it is performed by a masseuse-therapist with the right cultural and religious background. We at ESTONIA Resort Hotel & Spa offer the service in collaboration with professional and experienced Thai masters.

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Thai massage is a drug-free, natural and safe way to fine-tune your body’s healing processes. We recommend Thai massages for stress relief, easing of depression and chronic fatigue, raising effectiveness and speeding up your thoughts. A Thai massage is perfect for a sedentary, seated lifestyle. During your massage, your metabolism is streamlined, immunity raised, and toxins will be flushed from your body. This will improve the mobility of your back and will increase joint flexibility.

Thai Massage
60 min 61 €
90 min 74 €
120 min 88 €

Thai Massage with Oil
60 min 61 €
90 min 74 €
120 min 88 €

Thai Foot Massage 60 min 55 €

Thai Head and Shoulder  Massage 30 min 40 €

Information and bookings: phone +372 440 1013, e-mail
Service available at ESTONIA Resort Hotel & Spa Spa- & Conference Building, II floor, A. H. Tammsaare pst 6, Pärnu.


The basic idea behind Thai massage involves teachings of the ten life energy channels (sen) and four life elements: earth, fire, water and wind (air). Knowing and feeling these patterns, the masseuse addresses both your body and your mind. The main goal is to eliminate hindrances in the circulation of life energy. The masseuse stimulates your energy points and lines, aligns the energy flows and restores balance in the body. Thai massage combines three therapy techniques into one whole – line therapy, deep massage with muscle and tendon meridians, and manual therapy with yoga elements.

Thai massage is perfect for relieving stress, getting rid of depression and chronic fatigue, increasing your efficiency in work and speeding up your thinking. In addition, it boosts metabolism and immunity and detoxifies the body. Your body will keep excess pounds off, your appetite will be smaller, and your body will prefer healthier food. Spine mobility and joint flexibility will increase.

Thai massage is a drug-free, natural and safe way for the body to tune in to healing.

Thai massage

The true art of Thai massage can only be experienced if performed by a massage therapist with the appropriate cultural and religious background and training. The massage has a healing and toning effect on all systems of the body and brings them into balance. The massage therapist works diligently on every muscle you have, from the tips of your toes to the top of your head.
Traditional Thai massage can be simply relaxing but can also have a great healing effect. It is perfect for rehabilitation after sports trauma, for relieving muscle tension, improving blood circulation and metabolism, improving joint mobility, and toning the whole body.
The session is performed on a special massage mat and the client is wearing comfortable light sportswear.

Thai massage with oil

Thai massage with oil uses many techniques that create a feeling of well-being and abundance. A neutral base oil is used for the massage. The massage improves blood supply, decreases muscle tension, significantly improves metabolism, increases skin elasticity, and most importantly – strengthens the nervous system and reduces stress.
The procedure is performed on the massage table and the client is covered with towels – only the massaged body parts are exposed.

Thai foot massage

Thailand’s most popular and most widely used natural treatment type. The massage involves pressure points on the foot, Thai lines and various therapeutic techniques on the foot using both hands and a massage stick. The points on the soles of the feet help assess and impact the condition of the body and individual organs. Foot massage aims to restore the body’s functions, eliminate disturbances, and balance all systems. The therapy has a deeply relaxing and therapeutic effect on the whole body – great for the nervous system and helps with sleep issues.

Thai head and shoulder massage

Thai head massage started out with the massaging of the scalp and the hair by hairdressers and barbers in India, China, Singapore and Turkey. Today, this massage is performed as a separate procedure, which combines kneading, circling, rubbing, pulling the scalp away from the skull by pulling strands of hair, and going through the hair with fingers to improve scalp and hair nutrition and appearance. The neck and shoulder area is also massaged. In addition to improving scalp and hair nutrition, Thai head massage relieves pressure points in the neck and shoulders and provides deep relaxation.


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